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SAT Essay Prompt

            One independent person does not have the power or ability to change or help the country; the actions of each individual do matter though.  Everyone coming together can cause change, but an immense group does need a leader.  Overall, the government has the main power to make changes and improvements in our country, but it is not solely up to them.

            Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, America was focused on developing and prospering.  As a result, the American System was suggested by Henry Clay.  The American System included a protective tariff to improve industry, a national bank to foster commerce, and federal subsidies for roads, canals and other internal improvements.  Without this one man, Henry Clay, the idea may never have been broached.  Without workers a lack of action to make the plan a reality would have been compulsory.  Without the government’s support, the plan would have never been taken into consideration.  Each individual that makes up this hierarchy of power was imperative to make the American System a success.

            Although the government has the most power over changes in our country, it is up to each individual to take responsibility for their own situation.  We must not become completely reliant on the officials of our country to fix our every problem and meet our every whim.  Their power spreads over the country as a whole, not reaching each and every person.  Individuals can propose ideas and find supporters for their cause.  Without the people that are willing to administer their ideas, such as Martin Luther King Jr., nothing would ever change.  MLK Jr. had the idea to end segregation and completely get rid of Jim Crow Laws, to improve the life for every colored person, and to change the culture of American societies.  He risked his very own life for the lives he wished to improve.  He rallied supporters for his widely unsupported cause.  This one individual caused great leaps to be taken in our culture.  While he was a key proponent, he did not change the laws himself, that was the government.  MLK Jr. solely convinced the government officials to vote in favor of his own beliefs. 

One man held a great amount of power, and as someone great once said, “With great power comes great responsibility”.  Each individual has the responsibility to change what they can and help to inspire change.  One belief or opinion can lead to the next step of change until the change actually occurs. 


Legalization of Marijuana vs. Prohibition of Alcohol

            While President Franklin D. Roosevelt supported the repeal of prohibition in 1932, our current president has not spoken an opinion on the legalization of marijuana.  Even though we are now in a different time period and discussing two very different mind-altering substances, the fight for each is quite analogous.  Supporters for both argue that legalization would reduce crime and law enforcement would have the opportunity to focus on more serious crimes.  The opponents argue that usage could be seen as morally wrong, lead to more danger and drug abuse, and that it could find its way into children’s hands. 

            Back during the time that prohibition of alcohol was being argued, many proponents of the cause argued that without alcohol there would be less crime.  Many believed that alcohol lead to violent behavior.  Today, people are arguing that legalizing marijuana would decreases crime through the reduction of drug cartels (Messerli). Seventy percent of cartels’ business comes from the dispersing of marijuana.  But would it really reduce crime overall?  With the legalization of marijuana, state governments would have to create new laws to regulate the age of users, amount of consumption, and laws to protect against driving and performing other activities while high (Ferner).  When alcohol was once again legalized in the United States many of the same questions were brought up.  Even with these new kinds of laws, people believe that their would be less police work used in regard to marijuana related crimes (McLaughlin).  During the 1930’s they believed that without the consumption of alcohol, there would be less crime in general.  Even though today’s argument is to legalize marijuana and past arguments were to ban alcohol, the results of each are believed to be similar and related.

            The banning of alcohol and the fight to keep marijuana banned have almost the same arguments (Al-Khatib).  Even if they do not end up with the same results, they will go down in the history books together.  The argument that each is morally wrong stems from stricter religious beliefs in the 1930’s.  Some people believed that drinking alcohol was wrong and now some believe that the use of the drug marijuana is wrong.  Both are substances that alter the mind and ability to think and make decisions (Messerli).  Opponents to the legalization see marijuana as a stepping stone to harder drugs such as cocaine or heroin and are concerned that one day these could be legalized as well.  If marijuana is completely legalized, it would be much easier for the drug to be available to children, and people could be victimized by second hand smoke.  Alcohol and marijuana are seen to have many of the same negative effects and drawbacks in the race to legalization. 

            Prohibition took place during a very different time period, and yet it can still be used to compare with the legalization of marijuana today.  The arguments for both were based on the same theories and opinions.  Even though we do not yet know the complete result of the fight over marijuana, it could be predicted to conclude similarly to prohibition.




Al-Khatib, Talal. “Discovery News.” DNews. Discovery Communications, LLC., 12

Nov. 2012. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.
The Discovery Channel is a sponsored television network that provides information through documentaries, TV shows, and news articles. They not only provide information about current issues, but also history.

Ferner, Matt. “Rachel Maddow Draws Parallels Between Marijuana Legalization In

Colorado, Washington And End Of Alcohol Prohibition.” The Huffington Post., 14 Nov. 2012. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.
The Huffington Post is a newspaper that provides information about national issues. People around the country read it with the intention of being provided with accurate information.

McLaughlin, Eliott C. “Marijuana Advocates Hope to Rise from ‘prohibition'” CNN.

Cable News Network, 04 Dec. 2012. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.
CNN is a reputable news source. Many people rely on CNN to provide accurate information. For a long time they have been used to find information on certain topics and they inform the public about current events.

Messerli, Joe. “Should Marijuana Be Legalized under Any Circumstances?” N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.
Balanced Politics is a website that provides different political opinions and the information about the arguments used to support them.


Prowling through the forest, growling quietly, the wolf, a solitary figure whose shadow loomed behind him, spied on the little girl.  As she ambled towards her grandmother’s, a little old lady who only wanted some company, Little Red hummed quietly, twisting her hair, carrying a basket, drew nearer and nearer to the wolf.  The basket, brown and woven, carried yummy and sweet goodies for Little Red’s grandmother.  The wolf, a misunderstood creature, which had sparkling green eyes that shown in the sun, creeped through the trees, towards the girl.  Little Red, a kind loving young lady, offered him a treat, securing their friendship for the rest of her time in the forest.


Prowling throug…


Chapter 26 Review

1)          Islam had been in conflict with the West for a long time, while China’s conflicts were more recent.  The Chinese had brought less Western technology into their culture than the Muslims had.  The Muslims and West had in common a Judeo- Christian background and classical rationalism.  The Chineses had isolated their culture from Western influences. China was more vulnerable to a single defeat because of political unity, while the Muslims were split into many different centers, but all needed defending.  When Chinese were defeated they had to rely on a defense of the Qing dynasty as summation of their civilization.  Muslims fell back on the religious unity of the Islamic civilization.  The Wests invasion of China ruined the traditional civilization.  Before, China had relied on centralized state government run by and imperial dynasty and a Confucian scholar- gentry bureaucracy.  Islam kept their culture intact, but were also able to adapt to Western military technoligical advances.

2)     Western incursions into Africa and China had many similiarities, but were also different. Europeans operated from ports under indigenous contro for trade with the interior.  The Europeans traded things that were considered socially unacceptable such as slaves and opium. Later on the more traditional products came out to be more successful. Africans lost their territory to Europeans in the 19th century.  The Chinese had European influence entering their country.  The British invasion of Europe was very similiar to some other invasions in Africa.  The indigenous officials were held  captive and Western refoms were introduced.  In both locations, Western- educated leaders led paths towards independence.

3)       The British were able to gain control of Egypt because of the debt and weak rulers it had. Egypt became dependent on cotton crops.  The state revenues were spent on lavish pastimes and military efforts in the Sudan. The regime and elite became indebted to European creditors. Europeans built the Seuz canal, which opened in 1869. Muslim activists and politicians tried to protect Egypt from its incapable rulers. The University of al-Azhar became a focal point for Muslims from all over. Some Muslims wanted Egypt to revert to past habits, but men like al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh thought it necessary for Muslims to adopt Western science and technology. They stressed the importance of the tradition of rational inquiry in Islamic history and contested conserative views that the single source of truth was found in a literally interpreted Quaran.  They believed that Islam should develop and accept the new advances that the West brought. Differences between rival interpretations damaged Muslim ability to meet European threat.  Because of the split in opinions, the Muslims could not hold out the Europeans. Growing Egyptian debt to Europeans and the strategic importance of Suez Canal caused British and France thoughts of intervention. When army officer Ahmad Orabi led a revolt against the khedive in1882, the British intervened to save the ruler.  The British now controlled the Egyptian government by controlling khedives.

Chapter 26 Revi…