
SAT Essay Prompt

            One independent person does not have the power or ability to change or help the country; the actions of each individual do matter though.  Everyone coming together can cause change, but an immense group does need a leader.  Overall, the government has the main power to make changes and improvements in our country, but it is not solely up to them.

            Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, America was focused on developing and prospering.  As a result, the American System was suggested by Henry Clay.  The American System included a protective tariff to improve industry, a national bank to foster commerce, and federal subsidies for roads, canals and other internal improvements.  Without this one man, Henry Clay, the idea may never have been broached.  Without workers a lack of action to make the plan a reality would have been compulsory.  Without the government’s support, the plan would have never been taken into consideration.  Each individual that makes up this hierarchy of power was imperative to make the American System a success.

            Although the government has the most power over changes in our country, it is up to each individual to take responsibility for their own situation.  We must not become completely reliant on the officials of our country to fix our every problem and meet our every whim.  Their power spreads over the country as a whole, not reaching each and every person.  Individuals can propose ideas and find supporters for their cause.  Without the people that are willing to administer their ideas, such as Martin Luther King Jr., nothing would ever change.  MLK Jr. had the idea to end segregation and completely get rid of Jim Crow Laws, to improve the life for every colored person, and to change the culture of American societies.  He risked his very own life for the lives he wished to improve.  He rallied supporters for his widely unsupported cause.  This one individual caused great leaps to be taken in our culture.  While he was a key proponent, he did not change the laws himself, that was the government.  MLK Jr. solely convinced the government officials to vote in favor of his own beliefs. 

One man held a great amount of power, and as someone great once said, “With great power comes great responsibility”.  Each individual has the responsibility to change what they can and help to inspire change.  One belief or opinion can lead to the next step of change until the change actually occurs. 

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