Moon Landing Conspiracy


1) Many people think that the US government staged the first moon landing.  They believe that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were filmed on a set in either hollywood or Area 51 and that they never actually left Earth or set foot on the moon.

2)  The people that would believe that the moon landing is a conspiracy are those who distrust the government and want to find things to blame them for and accuse them of tricking the overall population.

3)  The people that believe the conspiracy think that the US government created it in order to beat the Soviet Union in the space race.  The Cold War was going on and America was in competition with them.  The conspiracy first appeared in the 70’s and was originally proposed in a book by Bill Kaysing.

4)  The conspiracy doesn’t work very well at all.  People who beleive it think that the videos and pictures were faked and that because the flag appeared to have movement, their is no way that they could have actually been in space.

5)  In 1969, the technology was not available to create the special effects that would have been needed to produce a moon landing video and their are many reasons that the flag could have been moving, besides the existence of wind.  Also, their were too many people involved in the moon landing that it would have been next to impossible to keep all of those people quiet.,28804,1860871_1860876_1860992,00.html

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