A Time I Helped Somebody (TAKS)


       Bustling around the kitchen, I grabbed tubaware, bags, lids, and any other assorted objects I would need to pack up a meal.  My mom and I had been slaving away in the kitchen for multiple hours; baking and cooking till the point of exhaustion.  This was not just a  typical meal for our family, but for someone else’s.  We wanted to make sure that everything was perfectly packaged and equally delicious.

       A family friend had recently been diagnosed with cancer.  It had been a complete surprise that nobody had even expected, especially her.  Her and her family were distraught over the news and were just trying to cope with it at the time.  We had known the family for years and yet we were completely helpless, except to give our condolences and encouragement.  When nobody was sure how to proceed, my mom and I decided that to help the family, we would do what we do best: cooking and baking.  So we set forth with a mission to do the only thing we could to make these times easier on the family.  We made dinner and dessert for one night and then the next day would deliver muffins for breakfast.  Any thing we could think of that they might like to eat, my mom and I made it.

        While preparing meals for someone may not seem like a great act of kindness or a huge event that changed someone else’s life, it was all that we could do to help in a time of crisis. Just the fact that a simple action by my mom and I could make a family’s day easier, makes me feel good about myself.  From then on, whenever someone is going through a trial or just having a tough time, I make a point to prepare a special treat for them.  Whether it be a meal to relieve some of the daily household stress, or just simpley dropping off a batch of cookies to brighten their day.  I like to think that I can help someone else in a small way which make me feel even better.  

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